Developing the concept of a new project is first and foremost a journey, a boundless experience within which to search for sensations, materials, shapes and geometries. To tell the essence of a style that must necessarily be unique, in every aspect. We did not content ourselves with thinking of an innovative concept characterized by cutting-edge technical solutions, increasingly striking interiors and living spaces capable of offering unprecedented comfort. We went further, even further, in space and time. Until we had the absolute certainty of meeting the new Ferretti Yachts essence, the quintessence of wellbeing and style.
Developing the concept of a new project is first and foremost a journey, a boundless experience within which to search for sensations, materials, shapes and geometries. To tell the essence of a style that must necessarily be unique, in every aspect. We did not content ourselves with thinking of an innovative concept characterized by cutting-edge technical solutions, increasingly striking interiors and living spaces capable of offering unprecedented comfort. We went further, even further, in space and time. Until we had the absolute certainty of meeting the new Ferretti Yachts essence, the quintessence of wellbeing and style.
Data sheet
30,13 m
23,98 m
Maximum width
6,81 m
2,29 m
Fuel Tanks
9.000 l
Water tanks
1.320 l
Maximum speed
24 [kn] | 28 [kn]
Cruising speed
20 [kn] | 24 [kn]
Virtual tour
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